Forums - CvS2: The Haohmaru Thread Show all 42 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- CvS2: The Haohmaru Thread ( Posted by arcticninja on 11:04:2001 12:11 AM: CvS2: The Haohmaru Thread I'm no CvS2 god or anything, but the one character I know more about than any other is Haohmaru. If anyone has any questions, please feel free to ask. Here's my 4-hit combo of death: jumping fierce, crouching forward XX DP with fierce. Doesn't look like much, but it does more damage than his standing fierce. You can also crossup with jumping forward instead of the fierce. Here another tidbit: his standing jab has some interesting properties; the area around his sword is invincible during the attack. This allows you to pass through high Tiger Shots (kinda useless though since you can just duck) and also beats most jump ins. Posted by ViciousSLASH on 11:04:2001 12:53 AM: do you think a good team could consist of haoh and hibiki in k groove, or terry and haohmaru in k groove...?? thanks in advance -Vicious Posted by arcticninja on 11:04:2001 01:04 AM: assuming you're good with those characters, yes. Team dynamics don't really play too big of a role in this game. It's not like you can call assists or anything If you have any Haohmaru specific questions, I'd be happy to answer them. Posted by ViciousSLASH on 11:04:2001 01:29 AM: thats my fault for asking the question wrong , so my bad on that one ninja ... it would be nice to learn how YOU play haoh , i wanna learn how to beat ass with him and all i know is to "poke" a lot and "turtle" , now i understand what these terms mean but how should i turtle and poke with haoh.......any of your advice would be nice -Vicious Posted by arcticninja on 11:04:2001 03:01 AM: His best pokes are standing/crouching jab and strong. They have excellent priority and range. I like to start poking with standing strong, throw in a couple crouching jabs. That will typically put you out of range, but you can close in with an overhead slash (qcb+P) or a low-jumped fierce. A strong poking game will lead to guard crushes which gives you a free standing fierce. Haohmaru doesn't really turtle that well since he doesn't have a solid anti air or any good distance move. The best way to play him IMO is poke a lot and mixing up your moves a lot. Look for any oppurtunity to land his standing fierce since it does too much damage. Create oppurtunities if you have to. Also, Haohmaru can rush down as well since his jump is pretty fast and he can crossup with his jumping forward. Posted by Masaka on 11:04:2001 03:15 AM: quote: Originally posted by arcticninja assuming you're good with those characters, yes. Team dynamics don't really play too big of a role in this game. It's not like you can call assists or anything If you have any Haohmaru specific questions, I'd be happy to answer them. I'd just like to point out that team dynamics can make quite a difference in CvS2. You won't be comitting suicide by picking 2 or 3 characters that don't work well together, but a cohesive team that play off of things like meter usage can make a big difference. A lot of people go the turtle route with Haomaru and stick simply with his standing/ducking jab, totally ignoring his other strengths. He has an excellent crossup and a couple of other good, long reaching pokes, such as his standing and ducking strong. His game isn't all standing jab and standing fierce. Groovewise, I've played Haomaru in C, P, N and K, although I tend to stick with N and K. Parrying is a good addition for him. K groove gives you similar advantages to P, plus the damage bonus. The air blocking and super cancel are nice with C, and N gives you rolls and stocks for damage boosts. His level 3 only super is more or less worthless. It's ok if you can see a fireball coming from like last week or so. Otherwise I'd much prefer to save the super for Duck Fierce->qcf,qcf+p super. The qcb+k move can be a good surprise overhead that is relatively safe to use up close, as long as you do it with short. Some characters (Rock, Balrog (boxer) ) can level 2 or 3 super him if it's blocked, so be careful. The higher strength versions can sometimes be used to counter far away fireballs, but it's not overly reliable beyond a half screen away. Another thing to note about that move is that it knocks down, which is a Good Thing. More wake up games! Don't get too predictable with it, but it's a good move to work into your game. His fireball is pretty much suicide to do. His fake one can sometimes freeze an opponent, but because you should never never use the real one, any good opponent will know that the fireball is a fake. It has practically 0 recovery though, so that's something to keep in mind. The DP is not great anti air, because you have to do it very early. I tend to use his jump straight up strong to counter jump ins, but that doesn't help much for wake up air defense. That's why I play him in K or P sometimes. I won't get into "how" you "should" play him. I play him very aggressively, but that's because that's how I play, and I found a way to make him fit that style. His strengths are some pretty high priority pokes, high dizzy potential, a high damage fierce and a good guard crush potential. I've had decent success with that forumla, but your mileage may vary. Masaka Posted by ViciousSLASH on 11:04:2001 04:31 AM: thanks those were very helpful posts , i'm gonna try and adjust haoh to my style using those tips in K groove ........another question though, is JDing difficult??, i've been told that just defense is very very very important to playing effective in k groove with any character and i will need to learn it well to kick ass , thanks again for the help -Vicious Posted by arcticninja on 11:04:2001 05:26 AM: It's not that difficult, you often get JD by accident. The only hard thing is JD multi-hitting moves. It's not all that important to K-Groove anyways, the main strength of K-Groove is the damage bonus while raged. Once you master JD, then you will be better all around. Masaka: I didn't say that they weren't important (team dynamics), I was just trying to make the point that people shouldn't worry too much about which characters work well together and just play the characters they like / are good with. It's not as important in this games as say MvC2, but it still makes a difference. Posted by ViciousSLASH on 11:04:2001 05:35 AM: okay now that i have the basics basically covered ( poking, standing fierce, no tornados etc...) let get to some more advanced things like combos etc...again, thanks for everything so far! P.S. i wasn't really asking if the two team members worked well together i was just wondering if the groove i picked worked well with the team members.......and i've never played MvC2 -Vicious Posted by Masaka on 11:04:2001 11:13 AM: Haomaru doesn't have a lot of combos. For starters, you can't cancel a lot of his moves. A couple of combos: Crossup fwd, duck short, standing jab xx dp+p Duck Fierce xx qcf,qcf+p If you happen to be playing C groove you can do: Duck Fierce xx qcf,qcf+2 (level 2) xx qcf,qcf+p (level 1) or Duck Fierce xx qcf,qcf+2 (level 2) xx DP+p You can normal cancel: Standing jab Ducking Jab duck short I'm not sure about standing short, but I want to say you can. You can super cancel: all of the above duck forward duck fierce duck strong (unconfirmed, I haven't tried) You can link: duck short->another duck short duck short->duck jab duck short->standing jab If I'm sounding a bit vague, it's deliberate. I'd much prefer to help people find a character's strengths and weaknesses and then use those to figure out if that character is for them, and come up with their own playstyle. I think it makes them a better player because of it. And hey, they might find something out I don't know Regarding Just Defending, if you're not Just Defending, you're not making the most of the groove. If you don't just defend, you'll have to get hit to gain meter, and that's just no good. Take a bit of time in training mode to get used to it. Terry in K-Groove: meh, I personally don't dig it, but again, play what you're comfortable with. When I put a character in K, I like to make sure they have a super that can take advantage of it, or that the damage bonus makes it that worth it. Terry can somewhat take advantage of the damage bonus, but his supers aren't all that hot. That's strictly imho though, so take it as you will. Masaka Posted by ViciousSLASH on 11:04:2001 03:55 PM: yeah Masaka i get what your saying copying everything you guys say would be stupid, i like be able to switch up stratgies in a fight according to the sititiuation ( ex at the beggining of a match im aggressive as hell, but if i start getting trashed then i'll turtle around and try to make a comeback ) but about that terry thing i think im going to place either hibiki and/or terry on one that team with haoh but i will have to figure out the ratio as i get more comfortable with the characters, anyway this help has been great and i think i'll be able to beat the crap out of people with K haoh with a lil practice, thanks again -Vicious Posted by Rolling Start on 11:04:2001 06:45 PM: I tend to use either just the ducking jab or quickly alternating standing/ducking jab. As soon as anyone gets close, i do jabs x 4. Doesn't combo, but they get nocked back quite far, or sometimes relaese block too early because they forget the insane range. I always forget, is his level 3-only unblockable? ANY uses for this outside of extrememly laggy mistake punishing? Posted by arcticninja on 11:05:2001 01:56 AM: His Level 3 is blockable, but remember that he's completely invincible during the startup. It is of limited use, but it is possible to hit with it. If you have quick reflexes, you can use it to counter just about any move on reaction. It is *really* hard to connect but not impossible. Posted by SlimX on 11:05:2001 04:39 AM: I still don't feel as confident with Haohmaru as I do with some other chars, but I'm working on it. =) Regardless, here's some stuff I wanted to touch on. If you're in C groove, don't cancel his lvl 2 super. It does more damage by itself than if you cancel it into anything. I mean, I felt really creative when I came up with lvl 2 super, cancel last ground hit into fake fireball, low fierce into lvl 1 super, but it STILL does less damage than just letting the lvl 2 finish. It does most of its damage once he leaves the ground and you can no longer cancel. While I'd like to say I have some great way to land the lvl 3-only SS2 super, it's just not true. It can be used pretty effectively as a counter super, though. A move doesn't have to be particularly laggy to be be smacked by the SS2 super if you do the super early enough. Most characters' fiere or roundhouse normals and many specials leave enough lag for it to hit. I think it's probably the most useful in K groove, since his regular super is so short-range, it's very difficult to land. Try to take advantage of the rage for a bit. If they just turtle, it's gonna be easy to guard crush them and land a standing fierce. If they remain on the offensive, you can go for the SS2 super. It leaves you safe as long as they don't roll, parry or possibly JD, so even if they block it, it's no big loss, since you were gonna lose the super before long anyway. It even does fair guard damage. One thing that actually gives the SS2 some significance is that counter hits do more damage. Normally, that's not big deal because most supers deal their damage with lots of hits. On the other hand, the SS2 super deals all the damage in one hit, so if you do hit them out of an attack it does huge damage (8040 R2 v R2). There are two ways to guarantee the SS2 super hits, but neither of them really matter that much. One is, obviously, if they're dizzy. However, you could do more damage by jumping in and comboing into the normal super at lvl 3. The other way is by guard crushing with a super-cancelable normal and comboing it into the SS2 super. This looks quite cool, but it's difficult to set up, and if you were close enough to use an attack that can be canceled into the super (close standing strong is my preference), you could pretty easily combo low fierce into his normal super. Low short x 2, low jab is a nice poking string I use a lot. It all combos together, unlike repeated low jabs. In fact, repeated low jabs are actually kinda slow, and I've been countered between them on more than one occasion. Use repeated low jab pokes with caution. Another nice thing about the low short x 2, low jab combo is that you can combo it into anything. Mind you, you're out of range for anything to actually hit, but there are two decent options. Either combo the low jab into QCB+jab or combo the low jab into the fake fireball to shorten the recovery (yes, fake fireball is faster than the recovery of the low jab) and poke again. You might even be able to land low short x 2, low jab, fake fireball, walk a step, throw on occasion. You can even combine these concepts with stuff like low short x 2, low jab, fake fireball, low jab, QCB+jab. =) Posted by Josh-TheFunkDOC on 11:05:2001 05:09 AM: I just have to say that, at least IMO, Haohmaru is best in A-Groove. I've played him a lot in all grooves and find myself most successful in that one. His CC's are pretty powerful, they can take the opponent's life down to the orange part (55-60% damage I think). Haoh's main CC on standing enemies is as follows: C.Fiercex3 -> S.Fierce -> S.RoundhousexN XX Super. Kinda hard to land the super at the end though. On crouching enemies, use this CC: C.Fiercex3 -> S.FiercexN XX Super. A little less powerful than the above one, but can't be ducked. I have an idea for a more powerful CC on crouching enemies, I'll have to test it and see if it works. Josh the FunkDOC Posted by kane_warhead on 12:15:2001 07:42 PM: You could pressure the opponent to block and then use his qcb+p to hit him. Posted by Splatterhouse on 12:15:2001 08:00 PM: As we all know... Haohmaru's s.FP does SICK damage. Anyway... I was playing around on the PS2 version of CVS2 and I turned on chain combos in the Groove Edit mode. j.HK, s.LP, s.LK, s.MP, s.HP ...nuff said! It's about 50%. Posted by Black Leaf on 12:15:2001 08:03 PM: I use Haoh in A-groove too. his CC is really quite damaging and teh excution is simple. I don't understand though. Why do you start with c.Fierce x3? The way i do it i just start straight out with s.fierce x10 then s.rdhouse XX super. Is the c.fierce faster/stronger than standing? Posted by arcticninja on 12:15:2001 10:19 PM: roundhouse does more damage in a CC. You want to start with fierce cause it has more range, then switch to roundhouse. Posted by Ex_MaTT on 12:15:2001 10:55 PM: I wanna use Haohmaru but I make to many mistakes vs the faster characters like Nako, or Rolento for ex. I was just wondering what strategies do u use to counter quicker characters. Also how do u use him vs Blanka ?? Posted by arcticninja on 12:16:2001 05:25 AM: Just keep control of the match. Don't let them rush you down, try to stuff everything they do. Remember, crouching fierce is pretty good anti-air, jumping fierce has good priority, and poke the hell out of them. Also smack them with a standing fierce if they make a mistake. As for Blanka, you can punish a blocked Blanka ball with a standing fierce provided that you blocked while standing and you do it right away. If you're using K or P groove, it's much less lenient after a parry or JD. Other than that, standard anti-Blanka strategies will work. Blanka is a tough fight for anyone though. Posted by The-Genius on 12:16:2001 10:19 AM: Isn't the timing on the s.hp more leniant after a JD/parry? Posted by noswad on 12:16:2001 03:34 PM: Punch throw, little step back, jump for crossup is too good. ^_^ After crossup low shortx2, if they connect, super or whatever. If not, poke away or throw again. S.strong is great.. seems slow but when people roll through it on me I always manage to throw them first. Anyhow, as for the CC I do low strong->far s.rh xN. If I'm close at the beginning I'll do 3 low fierces. I find the best way to end it is far s.fierce->super. Make sure you are connecting with the tip of your far rh, so you get the far fierce. He will take a step in, and super after the fierce. His anti-air CC is pretty easy too. I'm still trying to get used to his normals though. His jump is deceptively long. His low rh seems ok from the right distance. Does rh go over low attacks? Posted by water on 12:16:2001 11:52 PM: I love him in p-groove. so many opportunities to land his st fierce slash. it really completes his game, especially since he doesn't need lotsa super. i use him first as meter builder since p-groove takes so long. Posted by Ben-Ra on 02:18:2002 07:29 AM: I am resurrecting this thread since I'm back to playing Haoh after a sabbatical of several months. Unfortuantely it seems like there's not much interest in him these days, perhaps because he seems(is?) really simple to play. That's not to say he can't be effective. Personally I play K, for the usual reasons, which actually have little to do with Haoh. He doesn't get as many super chances as other chars, but the dmg bonus is solid. In general I think he's best w/running, simply because his pokes are so good that few opponents will try anything if he's running at them. His specials all suck, except that the DP is useful if set up properly, which is to say make the opponent want to jump, at which point it's easy to pick them off. It's no good as wakeup though. BTW I think his biggest general weakness is chars w/good rolls. They can easily roll past his pokes and come out w/something nasty, and half the time even a won't save him, at least in my experience. Guys like Iori and Kim are real trouble. Beyond the basics(which are fairly well covered so far), the next step would be some decent character-specific strats. Posted by Leviathan on 02:18:2002 08:45 AM: I just found a simple CC that will do over 50% without a super, from any part of the screen. Does anyone else happen to know how to do it? Posted by The Dark Evil on 02:18:2002 08:52 AM: I'm guessing repeated fierces?If not,please tell.BTW,does repeated fierces even work in A groove CC? Posted by jae hoon on 02:18:2002 10:38 AM: a good tactic is this, if u hit the d+fp it links to the 2qcf+p. its hard to do but it does hella damage. Posted by emagneto on 02:18:2002 11:12 AM: double rip-puu-ken Posted by Leviathan on 02:18:2002 05:58 PM: OK, SUPER easy CC that does over 50% damage (ratio 2 vs. ratio 2), WITHOUT a super, and does NOT need to be anywhere near the corner (but will push them into it): 1) Activate CC 2) s.HK 3) Hold forward and press s.HK *almost* as fast as you can. He slides forward during each s.HK if you time them correctly, so you can connect s.HKs during the entire CC time. The timing is a bit wierd, especially with the normal DC controllers and those damned trigger buttons for HP/HK. Don't hold forward during that first s.HK, or you might throw them by accident (great tactic if you they are almost dead, lol, activate cc > throw). Sounds retarded? Yes....but can you argue with the results? Some of his other kicks have the same sliding effect, but why bother with weaker ones? The last few s.HKs still do a decent amount of damage, which is why I didn't replace them with MKs or anything else that is fast (which is the normal CC formula). It just does too much damage, and is too easy to connect once you learn the timing. Haohmaru - "Guard break? What's that?!" Posted by CoolWater on 02:18:2002 10:46 PM: quote: Originally posted by Masaka I'd just like to point out that team dynamics can make quite a difference in CvS2. You won't be comitting suicide by picking 2 or 3 characters that don't work well together, but a cohesive team that play off of things like meter usage can make a big difference. Obviously we all have different definitions of team dynamics. Personally, I feel it is how well each character aides the other character, both complimenting their abilities as well as supplementing their weaknesses. Unlike in MvC 2, characters do NOT compliment, mostly due to the fact that the characters do not have assists. You can also win quite well with just 1 ratio 4 character (my personal favorites are Todo in K and Ryo in A). However, a team that compliments well can be an asset. quote: A lot of people go the turtle route with Haomaru and stick simply with his standing/ducking jab, totally ignoring his other strengths. He has an excellent crossup and a couple of other good, long reaching pokes, such as his standing and ducking strong. His game isn't all standing jab and standing fierce. I disagree. Most people do go for the turtle (which eludes me) but people who play him almost always use all of his strengths, save the crossovers. It is rare that anyone will exclusively use shorts and jabs, but they have beautiful priority and I would be perfectly happy to win a match of pokes as would I to win a match of fierces. quote: Groovewise, I've played Haomaru in C, P, N and K, although I tend to stick with N and K. Parrying is a good addition for him. K groove gives you similar advantages to P, plus the damage bonus. The air blocking and super cancel are nice with C, and N gives you rolls and stocks for damage boosts. It's pretty much concensus that Haohmaru KILLS in K-groove. With his arsenal of high priorityu short and mid ranged moves, he really doesn't need to roll and with the lack of a super-solid anti air, jd-ing SWEET. N groove is very common and useful, but I'm not a fan myself. quote: His level 3 only super is more or less worthless. It's ok if you can see a fireball coming from like last week or so. Otherwise I'd much prefer to save the super for Duck Fierce->qcf,qcf+p super. Praise be to God! If he ain't open or mentally retarded, don't use it against him. quote: The qcb+k move can be a good surprise overhead that is relatively safe to use up close, as long as you do it with short. Some characters (Rock, Balrog (boxer) ) can level 2 or 3 super him if it's blocked, so be careful. The higher strength versions can sometimes be used to counter far away fireballs, but it's not overly reliable beyond a half screen away. Err... you mean the bdp+punch right? The earthquake slash, I believe its called. In general he should be played very aggresively. I personally fight to guard crush then go in for the kill. . Posted by Ben-Ra on 02:19:2002 03:48 AM: My friend tells me that Haoh loses to good rushdown(ie cammy). Unfortunately I don't get to play him enough to make him prove it, but his points were: 1)Haoh has no good AA. Pretty much true. 2)He has no way to escape a real jab-based rushdown. Too slow. is okay but not enough. 3)In general, being put into blockstun at all is a bad thing for him. Unless you can parry/JD consistently(I'm OK at JD), chars like Cammy can keep frame advantage on you pretty consistently. 4)If you get knocked down, you have no wakeup, you have to take a block. See 3. I didn't have a lot to counter the argument. I try and rushdown w/him myself but I have been put on the defensive by faster chars. Which is a bad thing since his defense is pretty suck. Posted by Masaka on 02:19:2002 01:48 PM: Now keep in mind the original post that spawned this was 3 months ago That being said, onto the reply. quote: Originally posted by CoolWater I disagree. Most people do go for the turtle (which eludes me) but people who play him almost always use all of his strengths, save the crossovers. It is rare that anyone will exclusively use shorts and jabs, but they have beautiful priority and I would be perfectly happy to win a match of pokes as would I to win a match of fierces. I think this is more the case nowadays, but at the time, most everybody was only using a small subset of his options. Not there are a great deal of Haohmaru players around quote: It's pretty much concensus that Haohmaru KILLS in K-groove. With his arsenal of high priorityu short and mid ranged moves, he really doesn't need to roll and with the lack of a super-solid anti air, jd-ing SWEET. N groove is very common and useful, but I'm not a fan myself. My Haohmaru usage has tapered off lately, and when I do play him, I almost play him exclusively in K, usually at Ratio 2. People start to turtle up once he's raged which gives great opprotunities for low attacks into the overhead slash or duck jab/short into throw And of course the chance for standing fierce, or duck fierce xx qcf,qcf+p quote: Err... you mean the bdp+punch right? The earthquake slash, I believe its called. That's the one. quote: In general he should be played very aggresively. I personally fight to guard crush then go in for the kill. . I agree. He still has his problems of dealing with rushdown, the lack of good anti-air (although I've been practicing roll-canceled uppercuts), and people who can outprioritize his pokes, which unfortunately include Vega, Blanka, Sagat and Bison, 4 very common characters. I actually like Haohmaru vs Sagat, I think it can be a pretty good match. Blanka and Vega are brutal though, and Bison isn't too far behind them. Masaka Posted by Kryodus on 02:19:2002 10:20 PM: There is a use for the lvl 3 super. Since hamorou is excellent at guard breaking, try to get the oppenent really low on guard break then time it so your jab breaks his guard. Once you know the guard is broken quickly do the lvl 3 super and it should hit. Hard and situational I know but it does a crapload of damage Posted by arcticninja on 02:19:2002 11:09 PM: no, that doesn't work, it's too slow. The only way is to buffer the super after the attack that guard breaks. That's only going to work once on experts cause they'll start taking the first hit so you waste your super. Damn, people are still posting on my thread I should write a FAQ on how to SPELL Haohmaru. Well, I still use Haohmaru and he's still one of my best characters, but I've made the progression from K to N Groove. Not because Haohmaru is better in K groove, just because I'm letting go of K groove for the time being. I also use him occaisonally in A groove, but I have better characters for that one. BTW, Leviathan, you don't have to hold forward for your custom. Haohmaru has a "bootleg" CC with either fierce or roundhouse. Custom I generally do with Haoh is s. fierce X 2, s. roundhouse X N, c. roundhouse, qcfX2 + P. The crouching roundhouse makes it easier to land the super. About grooves, he can work in any groove, it's all about what groove you're most comfortable with. Just keep in mind: -Haoh's roll sucks -can't make effective use of lvl 2 cancels -his run is better than his dash -has a good custom -makes very good use of damage increases in N and K grooves. I don't know about his dodge attacks cause I don't use S groove all that much. I'm guessing it should be pretty easy to combo into his qcfX2 + P super after his non-knockdown dodge attack. If anyone has any more questions about Haohmaru, feel free to post! Posted by Leviathan on 02:20:2002 01:32 AM: quote: Originally posted by arcticninja BTW, Leviathan, you don't have to hold forward for your custom. Haohmaru has a "bootleg" CC with either fierce or roundhouse. Custom I generally do with Haoh is s. fierce X 2, s. roundhouse X N, c. roundhouse, qcfX2 + P. The crouching roundhouse makes it easier to land the super. Ok, that is how ya connect the super, that must be about 7500 or so eh? Posted by Ben-Ra on 03:01:2002 04:43 AM: Taking Haoh to a tourney this weekend..any last minute tips for me? Predict seeing a lot of Sagat/Blanka(no surprise)...with those 2 I don't get to rush down like I like to, and have to be more counter oriented... Ironically, I probably won't have time to read this before the tourney... Posted by Masaka on 03:01:2002 01:16 PM: quote: Originally posted by Ben-Ra Taking Haoh to a tourney this weekend..any last minute tips for me? Predict seeing a lot of Sagat/Blanka(no surprise)...with those 2 I don't get to rush down like I like to, and have to be more counter oriented... Ironically, I probably won't have time to read this before the tourney... I honestly find Blanka to be a much harder match than Sagat. Against Sagat, you can use Haoh's standing strong and duck strong to try and get around his fierces, and Sagat is just built for crossups. If you're using the SNK grooves, low jump fierces and and roundhouses are very good. Once you're in on him, Sagat players in rolling grooves love to try and roll away, which is pretty much throw bait. Use your low short/jab poke strings to try and bait a roll, and use your qcb+p as a part of those strings to try and get some damage in. If you find Sagat rolling through your qcb+p, substitute a fake hurricane (qcf+k) or do nothing, and throw him when he rolls. Vs Blanka...well, the prospects are a bit more grim. Haoh really doesn't have much to stop Blanka's jump-ins (especially low jumps, but nobody really has anything vs that), which can lead to crossups all day. Your best bet is to keep him grounded with standing strong, low jabs and duck strong. Your standing strong has a LOT of range, and you can use it after a slide from blanka to push him back out. If he rolls, hit strong again as you recover and you'll get him as he comes out of the roll. If you can keep Blanka grounded, you can start trying to jump in on him with strong (it will beat pretty much all of his air attacks) or fierce if he's still on the ground. Try to cross up if you can, to mess with his charge times, then go for low jab and short poke strings. Low short, low short xx qcb+p will catch a lot of people off guard a couple of times. Mix that up with low short, low jab xx fake hurricane (or any other suitable string) to bait them into rolling or sitting there, then go for the throw. Big pressure is where Haohmaru's game starts to fall apart, and that's one of the things Blanka is good at. Hope that helps. Masaka Posted by Ben-Ra on 03:03:2002 09:25 PM: Well I did ok at the tourney w/Haoh, not great, and did stick to the basic of pokes and landed the qcfx2+p super a lot(because a lot of people played rushddown and love to try and poke relentlessly), which is suprer bait, esp. since I get 2-3 a round in K. But overall I still should have done better. I didn't know beat Blanka's stuff though, I'll try that next time. Posted by $|-|U(V)AYeL on 03:13:2002 04:11 AM: hehe just one interesting thing.. VS Vega.. whenever he does his thing... umm i don't know what this move is called... he jumps on the wall then comes down with his claws and slashes.. well anyways.. that's the PERFECT time to do haoh's level 3. half circle back, forward punch... because of the invincibility in the beginning frames.. the slash won't hit.. and when he's going back.. the level 3 will hit him ^_^ Posted by hypergrav on 03:13:2002 06:46 PM: Try this poke mix up with Haohmaru. this will just keep them guessing if u mix it up well. Just keep on it and don't let up. Poke the living crap out of them. Here they are. c.jab x2, qcb p (overhead) next one is c.jab x2, s.strong x2 (for range) next is c.jab x2, c.short, s.strong x2 (you can mix this last standing strong x2 with a qcb p if u want) last but not least is c.short x3, c.jab, qcb p. You pretty much only need to learn two of these but i mix these in just for show. It doesn get kind of old when u do the same two strings over and over again. but if u don't want to learn all of them just yet just learn c.jab, x2 qcb and c.jab x2, c.short, s.strong x2. This will keep them guessing on the third part of the string. They will most likely be smart enough to know that you're going for crouching jab x2 but they don't know if you're going for the overhead (qcb p) or the crouching short into the standing strong x2 if u hit them with the crouching short the standing strong will connnect. I do this sometimes to. C.short x3, c.jab, qcb jab. works well but as i said again this one is just block low then last one block high. all you have to do is keep them guessing. O right btw smarter players will roll after the second jab and try to throw you. this is one thing you want to get good at pokers TECH HIT THE THROWS!!!!! I can't emphasize that enough. if you can't tech hit you're going to be thrown every single time. tech hit will be either fierce punch or fierce kick. if you're good enough watch their hands. if not just hit fierce punch. Most of the time player will go for that one for some reason. After you tech hit go immideatly for the standing strong. Standing strong kicks ass. keep them away. Learn the range well for standing strong. o right also when you jump with Haohmaru use strong punch. That has priority up the wazzu!!! if they're still on the ground when you jump u can do a jumping fierce punch if you want. But the safest bet is standing strong. now for grooves. K is bad ass for Haohmaru. If you're ratio 3 or 4 haoh in K omg!!! that standing fierce is freakin bad ass. it kills a ratio one with full life if you hit them raged. N groove is good to but make sure u break the stock. also in N groove its a bit safer to poke because of the roll. if they roll at you to throw just roll at them before their throw. A groove is pretty kick ass with Haohmaru. jump at them and turn on custom combo then connect with something either qcb jab(overhead) or if they're blocking high then crouching short thenonce u connect with something (anything) then start hitting them with standing fierce as fast as you can. you will hit them until your bar runs out. if you can try to do the level 1 super once u get low on the custom combo gague. it will help a lot more. if you can do all this you have a pretty solid Haohmaru game. o wait one more thing against vega you gotta play just a little differently against vega. do the same poking thing but when you see vega going for an off the wall grab kind of super or anything like that. go for crouching fierce. But you MUST TIME THIS HIT!!!! time it and get in the right position and vega will never hit you with these moves. crouching fierce is the best anti-air hehe. you can hit overheads with this. well hope you got a lot out of this lataz! Posted by hypergrav on 03:13:2002 06:53 PM: one more thing HaohMaru LEVEL 3 SUPER IS THE BEST THING IN THE WORLD. if you can do it do it!!!! All times are GMT. The time now is 11:42 PM. Show all 42 posts from this thread on one page Powered by: vBulletin Version 2.2.4 Copyright © Jelsoft Enterprises Limited 2000, 2001.